
Video: Rachel Maddow's Riveting Analysis of Trump's Insanely Destructive Political Tactics

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/01/2017 1:28:20 am PDT

re: #42 JordanRules

Yessss!!! Had a high school biology teacher who was great but bristled a bit at my super liberalism. She assured me folks get more conservative as they get older. I get where she was coming from - you really don’t shit yet young buck - but I’m happy about how I was tested as I got older and feel even more comfortable in my super liberalism.

My high school government teacher (my government class was the equivalent of what most call civics) was somewhere to the right of William F. Buckley, Jr. whilst I was still the same socialist leftie I am now.

We would regularly have class discussions in which he would come after my positions (it wasn’t personal). At the end of the year, he noted to the class that I was the first person he’d ever given an “A” to in the class - not because he agreed with my positions, but I defended them both in papers and in class.