
Jackson Browne Live From Home: "All Good Things"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/18/2021 12:09:06 pm PDT

Another Christian pastor goes down for the count due to Covid-19, this one in Denver, wingnut R. Loren Sandford of New Song Chruch.

Amongst other things he prophesied that Donald Trump would be reëlected. He subsequently posted how “he got it wrong.”

He also claimed a local area shooting was due to sin and not guns.

He has spread Covid-19 misinformation for a long time. It would appear that he started down a path where everything was viewed through the lenses of the Bible and conservatism, moved into conspiratorial thinking about “control” and “fear,” and ended up with him dead.

I wonder how many of his parishioners he killed in the name of God along the way.

Pastor R. Loren Sandford Has Died of Covid (The Friendly Atheist)

Includes a metric fuquetonne of crap from the guy’s Faceplant page.