Comment Conspiracy Theory Watch: Liberty Chick's 'Planted Comments' Investigation

SanFranciscoZionist3/28/2012 2:45:17 pm PDT

Here’s a little clue to reality as far as comments on the internet are concerned:

Yes, the Chinese government, and some companies, seem to be paying people to comment at websites. How extensively is really not known. No, you can’t ‘tell’ that someone is one of these people just because they disagree with you.

No, Mossad is not paying me, and Hamas is not paying Zoe Lawson (for example) to post our respective opinions about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict online. Both of us are doing so for free, in our copious spare time.

The racist comments at conservative websites were left there by real racists, not liberals trying to make Fox News look bad.

The people you don’t like on progressive websites, similarly, are not being paid by the Koch Brothers to say that. No, I don’t want to see that article from two years ago again.

People lie on the Internet about all kinds of shit, but oddly enough, their political opinions are not usually among the things they lie about. Sometimes they will lie about personal information to try to give their political opinion more weight, like people who claim to be black so that their conservative beliefs will carry more weight.

I’m sure there are some exceptions to some of the above, but overwhelmingly, this is how the Internet WORKS.

Also, there are many racists in America. You can deal with them by pretending they belong to a political party you don’t belong to, or you can just ban their asses.

That is all.