
Religious Caveman Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About Spankings From God

Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi1/10/2013 8:56:24 am PST

re: #417 Sol Berdinowitz

Russians tell of an instance where the Tsar issued an unpunctuated message concerning someone appealing for pardon from execution.

The note read: казнить нельзя помиловать

Problem being that the Tsar wanted a period after the second word, which would have had it read “Do not execute. Pardon”
Unfortunately, the local officials read it as if there was a period afer the first word, which makes it read “Execute. Do not pardon”

I assume that his crime involved entering a restaurant, eating, shooting and then leaving (without tipping because he had to reduce discretionary spending due to tax increases)…

No swimming allowed.

No! Swimming allowed.