
ACORN CEO's Press Release

Kosh's Shadow9/16/2009 3:44:18 pm PDT

re: #406 buzzsawmonkey

I thought Ludwig was saying that Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and the other supremacist nuts are becoming the image of the Republicans, whether this is true or not, and is playing into the stereotype he gave of Republicans.

The Jew-haters on the Democratic side aren’t as blatant, and thus easier to make excuses for. They usually couch what they say as “anti-Zionism”, instead of the simple, obvious hatred for everyone not like themselves.

This is why we need some way to keep them from being the image of conservatives, but the MSM loves to play them up, and the rest of the Republican party isn’t doing a whole lot to disassociate from them.

That is a big problem

I’m actually quite concerned that the next presidential election will have people that I absolutely cannot vote for on both sides.