
A Fantastic 4-Song Live Performance by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit

sagehen2/04/2018 12:17:48 pm PST

re: #432 BeachDem

In the fall of 1944, Lodge single-handedly captured a four-man German patrol.[11]He led the Draft Eisenhower movement prior to the 1952 election and served as Eisenhower’s campaign manager…Nixon’s 1960 VP—The choice of Lodge proved to be questionable. He did not carry his home state for Nixon. Also, some conservative Republicans charged that Lodge had cost the ticket votes, particularly in the South, by his pledge (made without Nixon’s approval) that if elected, Nixon would name at least one African American to a Cabinet post.

A reminder of Nixon’s 1960 views on Civil Rights (before Goldwater, and before Pat Buchanan talked him into the Southern Strategy)…

1960 - Nixon on Civil Rights