
The Republican Modus Tollens - Logic, Facts, and Policies

boxhead9/25/2011 12:42:17 am PDT

re: #432 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

There’s nothing wrong with 10th Amendment, or state autonomy within a federation. Especially in a place as geographically huge as the US.

But conservative confederates distorted states rights to mean special rights for whites. For everyone else, this means a police state. That’s all Jim Crow was, is a police state (physically violent de-legitimation) against every non conformist who didn’t want to live under their rule.

Absolutely! That is why the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment is there. IT is the USA law why those Jim Crow laws were Unconstitutional.

I would go a step further and say that Jim Crow was in violation of our inalienable rights.