
LGF Poll: Do You Back Obama's Diplomatic Approach to Syria?

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam9/18/2013 7:27:55 am PDT

re: #433 Ian G.

Wait, Fischer just linked to a news story about antibiotic-resistant bacteria. How did those bacteria develop resistance, Bryan? Did they….evolve?

Even my wingnut uncle who blathers about “intelligent design” has conceded that evolution occurs with bacteria and other simple organisms. It just doesn’t happen with complex organisms because shut up, that’s why.

The Bible does not mention bacteria, so perhaps God created them by accident before he got into the plant- and animal-making business, and the people-making sideline.

I’m sure creationists have some sort of hand-waving explanation for the existence of bacteria and viruses. The Ken Ham Answers in Genesis crowd contends carnivorism is a consequence of the Fall, and the dinosaurs living alongside Adam and Eve were all plant-eaters. Even T. Rex, with those razor-sharp teeth.