
Heaven for Atheists? Better Read the Fine Print

stabby5/26/2013 12:56:33 am PDT

There is no level of understanding at which church doctrine stops being self-contradictory.

It is a serious problem for humanity that the number of people who feel contradiction strongly enough that they can’t accept nonsense are too small to affect the evolution of society.

The same can be said for the way dogma is not only blatantly manipulative but actually MAXIMALLY manipulative, the expression of the idea of “hell” being the maximum threat that can be made in human language. One would think that being threatened with the maximum threat that is expressible in language (and with no visible way to carry it out) would be recognized as such, as a communication that is suspicious and most likely to be a lie or delusion.

It’s clear that people learn skepticism too late in our development, and once learned we lack the ability to apply it to concepts already absorbed.

The human mind is shockingly poor at the basic skills of thought.