
Dr. Ben Carson, Birther: "From Where Were You (Obama) Applying" To Columbia?

EPR-radar5/25/2014 2:59:33 pm PDT

re: #34 The War TARDIS

Speaking of guns, this is a repost from a dead thread relating to your thought about going to the police and seeking a 5-10 year gun ban for yourself.

Get professional help NOW. This is very disordered thinking.

Your stated issue is difficulty with dating, not a hunting trip or target shooting. Thus guns are completely and fundamentally irrelevant unless you are contemplating a suicide or murder-suicide scenario. You need to get that toxic shit out of your head.

5-10 years is a self-imposed deadline that is setting yourself up for failure. The anxiety induced by the deadline won’t help with dating issues, and what excuse is there for some drastic action when the deadline expires?