
Overnight Video: Mitt Romney vs. Reality

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/06/2012 12:49:30 am PDT

re: #37 ProGunLiberal

….I have absolutely nothing to drive me to do anything.

Sounds bleak.

We each get to live our own lives - no one can live yours, though you will discover people are during your life who want to live vicariously through you (parents are often the first at this.)

Frankly, I’ve discovered that women are indeed attracted to guys who are self confident and/or have money. The first often comes with the latter, but not always. Not to make women sound like mindless gold-diggers - I’m just relaying my own experience.

So, your own self-doubt is probably your worst enemy.

And, I agree with Ozbloke in that one’s interests often change, or at least they can go dormant for long periods.

Go, do things that you love. Follow your heart. Other people will be able to tell if you are happy or not, and that will be conveyed quite clearly to a possible mate.