
Tuesday Night Open

Dark_Falcon11/13/2012 8:05:09 pm PST

re: #34 ProGunLiberal

My logic is, if Cantor, the partisan slim he is, didn’t decide to leak the information while the election was ongoing, there must have been some pretty heavy crap going on.

To put it simpler, if he didn’t leak, then it must be some bad juju.

I’d say Cantor knew some of what had happened, but not all of it. Given how explosive scandals can prove to be, he likely decided not to set off a explosion when he didn’t know who’d be caught in the blast radius.

Moreover, no one would have thanked Eric Cantor for outing a scandal that ended the career of America’s greatest general of the recent wars. He might well have found himself despised for having done so, especially within the Army and the CIA.