
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

~Fianna8/24/2009 1:32:58 pm PDT

re: #429 opnion

Why do you keep talking about Vendetta? What Vendetta?
This is a matter of getting info to save lives , not get even.

I think that when we descend to the level where people are defending threatening children, we have gone to the level of just wanting to get even.

Look at the responses - they do it! they do worse things! they don’t care, they don’t love their children anyway! That’s skirting close to saying that they’re not human and I’m very deeply uncomfortable with arguments that accept the possibility that any group of people is somehow sub-human.

They are our enemy. We shouldn’t give them a hug and ask them not to be mean to us anymore. But we also shouldn’t EVER allow ourselves to think that any person is less than human, we shouldn’t ever justify the threat of violence against innocent people because of the actions of a member of their family. That takes our humanity away and lowers who we are and what we stand for.

If we can’t win this war and still hold true to our values and our virtues, what’s the point of even fighting it?