Comment's Ben Shapiro Attacks Ashley Judd, Uses Nude Photo

Eclectic Cyborg12/06/2012 10:08:07 am PST

Is anyone truly saddened by the economic reality in America?

Forget trickle down economics, we’re living in an era of vaccuum up economics where the elites have been busily sucking up as much wealth to the top as they possibly can.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for running a business and making healthy profit, but when you are selling out your employees, vendors and customers merely so a group of executives and a board of directors can reap millions of dollars, there’s something wrong with that.

The ratio of CEO pay to average worker pay in the U.S. is 450:1
In Canada it is 64:1 (Yes, that would be about SEVEN times less).

Other countries are even less than that.