
BREAKING! New Photos of Jim Hoft Discovered: Throwing Gang Signs, Brandishing Weapons

ObserverArt9/06/2014 8:33:33 am PDT

re: #440 FemNaziBitch

Actually, could be a WASP gang.

As I’ve recently learned, yellow-jackets are most likely paper wasps, not bees.

Some breeds have stings strong enough to kill a cat.

Exterminator and hubby talked extensively yesterday.

No most likely about it. Wasps all the way.

So, how big was the nest and are the little buggers gone now?

I hate Yellow Jackets. A woman I worked with many years ago had a can pf Pepsi open back in the warehouse and the door was open on a nice hot late August day. She grabbed the can and took a swallow and one of the local Yellow Jackets had been in the can. Sure enough…now in her mouth. Before she could spit it out, it had stung her twice one in the cheek, one in the roof. Off to the hospital she went!

I was fishing on a local lake one day. A buddy and I were way out in the middle of one of the coves fishing deep water because it was a warm late summer day. we weren’t paying close attention, but a small tree branch floating in the water had come up to the boat and stopped by catching the one anchor line. A little while later we were going to move on to a new area and I went to grab the anchor rope. It was now holding several Yellow Jackets that were riding along on the branch and had move from the branch to the line. Not looking, I started to tug the line in when “ouch…what the fu..!!!” Three quick stings in the palm of my hand. Talk about some pain.

Hate ‘em, hate em…did I tell you I hate ‘em?