
And Now, the Stunningly Corrupt Anti-Environment Head of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, "Resigns"

Anymouse 🌹🏑😷7/05/2018 7:56:19 pm PDT

The Great State of Arkansas, seldom singled out as an innovator in anything, was among the first states to impose work requirements for people receiving Medicaid, and tonight marks an exciting step in the effort to bone people who have made the poor choice to be poor while needing medical care: It’s the very first deadline for Medicaid recipients to document that they worked or volunteered 80 hours during June, or were otherwise exempt from the work requirement. And that documentation can only be submitted online, in a state with some of the lowest internet access in the country. And of the 11,000 people required to submit records tonight, a good 8,000 hadn’t yet done so as of late last week. Finally, a chance to whittle down the number of people dependent on public assistance β€” somewhere, Paul Ryan is beatifically smiling. (more)