
60 Minutes' Benghazi "Eyewitness" Was Nowhere Near Terrorist Attack

Varek Raith11/01/2013 1:59:12 pm PDT

School ordered black student dressed as Jesus to remove his costume because it offended ‘religious sensibilities’

Marshon Sanders, a high school student in Highland Park, Illinois, was removed from class and ordered to change out of his Halloween costume after some in the school complained it was offensive.

Sanders, an African-American, was dressed as Jesus.

“I wanted to be Jesus because I just got baptized and so I felt like, why not?” Sanders told FOX 32 News. “He’s the most influential person in my life.”

Fifteen minutes into his first class, Sanders was called to the dean’s office and “[s]he tells me that my costume was offensive and I was promoting religion.”

The kicker;

“When I asked her what she meant by offensive, she couldn’t tell me,” Angenetta Frison, Sanders’s mother said. “He’s walking around dressed like Jesus, a religious icon. What’s offensive about that?”

“I saw other kids who were dressed as Moses and they were just walking around there fine,” she continued. “I talked to them and they were questioned, but they were never brought down to the dean.”