
In Which Trump Learns About the History of China and Korea in a 10-Minute Phone Coversation

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam4/12/2017 10:22:05 pm PDT

As a resident of China and an American citizen, I am truly, truly worried about Trump’s complete and total ignorance of foreign affairs. He’s taking lessons and, likely, advice from China’s president on how to deal with North Korea. IOW, we don’t have two leaders on approximately equal footing, either intellectually or geopolitically, but an expert (Xi Jinping) with years of political experience and a ninny with an overinflated sense of his own expertise. China will play Trump like a GD violin, and the USA will consequently lose inlfuence in the Asian region for years to come — especially if Il Trumpino does something stupid with the Navy task force.

By all accounts, Xi is an ambitious leader and he wants China to be the dominant power in the Asia-Pacific region. By ignoring the State Dept and the IC, Trump is walking into a trap of his own device, mark my words.

I am very glad I do not live anywhere near Beijing or the Korean border.