
Occupy LA, The ADL, and Bradblog

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/23/2011 4:03:41 pm PDT

re: #16 BradFriedman

You could have avoided a hell of a lot of trouble by clarifying in your opening sentence that by “American-Israel lobby” you were referring to AIPAC and ECI, and not, you know, the whole panoply of lobbying organizations that could fall under that rubric.

What do you think of Adbusters “lot of Jews in here” attack on Bush’s White House? It was really weird to me to go Jew-counting after the whitest goddamn guy in the world started the war with Iraq.

And what do you think about Adbusters (and Finklestein’s) comparison of Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto?