
Don't Blame the 1% for America's Pay Gap

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/25/2012 1:49:16 pm PDT

re: #43 Bob Levin

Oh yes they do. That 500 grand is collateral. Remember, this is a world where the only way to get a loan is to prove that you don’t need the loan.

No, Bob. The five hundred grand is cash down. It’s not collateral. They have to pay it out. You’re wrong.

So what is the topic? Are we saying that the 1% have too much control over our lives, and we need to free ourselves from the societal structure they have created—or are we saying that the government has a debt problem, and why not tax the rich?

Both. Neither.

If the conversation is about the former, I think there are better ways to change society—more effective ways. If we’re talking about the latter, fine, but there’s no need to demonize these people.

I’m fine with criticizing people who make their money through unethical means. Is that okay with you?