
White Supremacists Plan to Recruit at July 4th Tea Parties

Koyaanistaaqa5/26/2009 7:52:21 pm PDT

re: #372

One of the problems I see with attending these is this: Not everyone is as well-informed as we are here, THANKS in large part to Killgore.

And many of those folks will be easy targets for sneaky “recruitment” by the types of groups mentioned in the main post. And if we lend ourselves to success of these events by attending, we are participating in that recruitment also, UNLESS we are willing to attend and sound the alarm, so to speak, when we see “recruitment” materials being passed out. And honestly, I would simply not be up to that.

I haven’t been to a ‘Tea Party’ yet, but know a number of definite non-racist, non-Paulians who have. If I do go to one - solely to protest onerous taxation and wanton spending - I’ll be on the lookout for these opportunist creeps. And I’m up for calling the racist cowards out - Loudly. If you don’t mind, I’ll bag one for you too, reine.