
Highly Recommended: Michele Catalano: The March to War and Back

stabby3/19/2013 7:13:06 pm PDT

re: #451 Achilles Tang

We may be coming off track here. I am saying Iraq would be just like Syria if a people’s revolution had reached the stage of Syria. You said it is the people’s responsibility to remove a dictator. I say which people, in these cases?. There is no single Syrian people, nor a single Iraqi people.

I pulled over again but just for a sec.

I favoritted your comment. Yes, I hadn’t thought about it before, actually when you have sectarian oppression, a war of liberation certainly will do the opposite of defusing tensions - it’s going to make the hatred worse, vendetta is a very likely outcome.

The best case may be something that the modern world has rejected as barbaric, partition, the separation of peoples. They may decide that for themselves like Pakistan did. Not that the aftermath of THAT was good. I can’t prove that it’s related but it was followed by the Bangladesh Genocide, perpetrated by Pakistan.