
Limbaugh Stuck on Fail

gnargtharst5/27/2009 3:36:39 pm PDT

I’m not a big fan of Rush Limbaugh, but I feel it appropriate to defend him in some terms (disclaimer: I haven’t heard him probably since the 90s +/-, so my comments are based on quotes I see attributed to him):

Rush is consistently thoughtful and intelligent, despite his persona as a clown (I say this though I believe he’s mistaken on many issues). I think radio, generally, as a medium, and Limbaugh’s show in particular, is better than most television for addressing serious issues. Considering Limbaugh is primarily an entertainer, it is ironic (and ominous) that he presents most news stories in more depth than do most news shows. In discussion I’ve had on this topic with others, I’ve phrased it this way: I don’t like Rush Limbaugh, but I’m glad he’s there.

(By way of preventative strawman burning, here’s where I stand on the biggies: I’m atheist, pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, pro-immigration, anti-draft, pro-evolution, pro-capitalism, pro-science-and-technology, and anti-Ron-Paul).

With that, I will end with a delightful video of Rush:
