
Cliff May on CNN: I'm No Bigot, But the Mosque Belongs in the Basement

researchok9/09/2010 8:56:32 am PDT

re: #439 RogueOne

I agree that the koran burning is definitely a message born of hatred, not so much intimidation. I think the intimidation is coming from the opposing viewpoint in this instance. Obama and Petraeus are both worried about the acts of violence that are sure to occur thanks to the fla preachers antics. Burning books is retarded but to not burn them out of fear of violence by your opponent is just as retarded.

It’s a tough call, I keep going back and forth kind of like my position on Park 51.

Suppose you are right.

As it happens, I agree that the burning of Qurans may inspire violence- but that is the excuse.

The people who will be violent do not need book burnings to be viole3nt. They are not religiously tolerant, by any means. A look at current religious intolerance (church attacks, burnings, institutionalized anti semitism, etc) bears that out.

That means Jones will have enabled and nourished this round of violence, no different than if he had put the gun into a killers hands- all so he could have a few more minutes of air time

This is not the same as burning disco albums at center field. He isn’t a duck mascot to a sports team.