
Overnight Open Thread

aussiemagpie2/25/2009 6:24:38 am PST

You’re not the only ones suffering with an egomaniac

Our jet setting PM Rudd…..

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd has splurged close to $3.4 million on overseas travel since coming to power, making him one of Australia’s most extravagant jet-setters.

The globe trotting PM has racked up one overseas trip every month on average - and spent close to one in six days on foreign soil.

Taxpayers have paid a hefty price for Mr Rudd’s 15 global trips but the PM is stoutly defending the amount of time he spends meeting world leaders.

But with the Government now forecasting a hefty budget deficit, the Opposition has slammed the travel costs an “absolute disgrace” and branded the PM “Emperor Kevin”.

One 18-day odyssey to the US, Belgium, Romania, Britain and China cost $640,749, according to details obtained by The Daily Telegraph.

Five-star accommodation and meals cost just over $100,000 while the cost of commercial airfares for Mr Rudd’s advance team hit $52,000.

Mr Rudd took 11 of his personal staff and wife Therese Rein, along with a flotilla of public servants, security personnel and his personal GP.

Meanwhile us poor plebs at home are earning the money to keep Kevin 747 in his grand lifestyle..*spit*