
Audio: Richard Holbrooke on 'Evil Incarnate'

Renaissance_Man12/16/2010 9:44:50 am PST

re: #426 Buck

Really? Do I have to summarize my every post? Can’t you follow the thread?

NPR has the best reporting.
AS the best it should have an audience that would support it financially in the same way that other broadcasters do. (1)

James commented that the fact that FOX NEWS gets high ratings suggests that a majority don’t want that quality (truth he called it).

It is my opinion that the prevailing “truth” here is that if FOX has the biggest audience, then they must be stupid. That smart people would not watch FOX News. (2)

Anyway, now you are caught up…

(1) - For that to be true, it would have to also be true that something as important and beneficial as superior journalism would be valued sufficiently by the market that ‘the best reporting should get the best financial support’. There is no reason to believe this. There is no reason to believe that quality or benefit of a product has any correlation with market share or popularity.

(2) - Smart people may indeed watch FOX. Being a FOX believer has nothing to do with intelligence, per se, just as belonging to a UFO cult has nothing to do with intelligence per se. Being a FOX believer only requires the desire to have ones preconceived opinions reinforced without exposure to contradictory facts, which naturally has a wide appeal.