
It's Just Good: Jason Mraz and Meghan Trainor, "More Than Friends"

Lupin9/20/2018 9:15:02 am PDT

A propos of nothing, I read (forgot where) that the Chinese population which at first blamed Xi - at least a little - for the trade war is now solidly blaming Trump. They must conduct secret polls, I guess?

Anyway, if Xi got on Chinese TV and said to his people, tighten your belts, empty your pockets, for three months, we will sell/export NOTHING to the Americans, absolutely nothing, the US would be drinking its own urine within 2 weeks and I think cannibalism would begin after 6 weeks. (Real world, 96% of your antibiotics come from China.)

The EU has just kicked May to the curb. We have our own problems; we don’t need them & theirs. Russia lift a trolling finger and your homegrown zombies go on rampage.

The world is made of glass, right now.