
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

~Fianna8/24/2009 1:47:10 pm PDT

re: re: #53 sattv4u2

re: #47 sattv4u2


On that note, lets say we had KSM in custody on 9/10/01. Lets say his CIA interrogators “threatened” to harm his chidlren unless he was forthcoming with info. Lets say KSM said, “”OKAY ,, tomorrow morning 19 men will get on planes and aim them at the Twin Towers”

Worth it???

k”>#450 sattv4u2

You’re the one that rought it up


But isn’t the whole argument about torture that it can save lives if there’s a ticking bomb? Wasted time doesn’t solve that problem

That’s not agreeing with it. You alluded to it in your 53 and I was responding. My argument is that the “ticking bomb” scenario almost never happens, so the excuse that torture could net us info that would let us prevent deaths that are immanently about to happen is a straw man.