
Former DOJ Spokesman Slams FBI Director for "Flagrantly Violating DOJ Rules"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/28/2016 5:16:24 pm PDT

re: #36 Mattand

I’ve been rather disappointed in the leadership of the Democratic party, and that includes Pres. Obama, for some time now.

We are in an ideological conflict, but they shy away from the batte.

And I doubt the Sun-Tzu-thing (deny the battle) is ever going to work here. Because we humans are social creatures and are affected by people around us. If our society says, and I mean literally “says” as in “speak”, something over and over we will pick that up as truth.

I do believe we’re in an ideological war. A war over ideas (to rephrase.) Being silent is not an option. That is why I post here, post comments on various misc. news sites, write comments at Facebook, and retweet tweets here.