
Video: Donald Trump Mocks the Spanish Pronunciation of "Puerto Rico"

electrotek10/06/2017 8:00:44 pm PDT

Goddammit, I share the video of Trump’s pronunciation of Puerto Rico and I get this comment on my FB:

No he is not. This is just how a partisan interprets a video clip of someone they hate. Puerto Ricans saw the real trump when I met him in person and their views have changed btw. A lot anyway. They least realize the media has been deceitful in portraying his character. When Trump went down he pronounced it like most Americans do. Probably the way he said it his whole life. He was corrected however and they said if you’re gonna say it Mr. President you need to say it correctly. So during the press conference he jokingly corrected himself lol. Take how you will however.

I feel like a masochist at this point but dammit I wish I didn’t have such high tolerance for this stupidity on my FB.

At least I have an army of fellow liberals who can stem back the horde when need be.