
In Which Colbert Notes That John Bolton Lost Trump's Support After Angering Kim Jong Un [VIDEO]

ckkatz9/12/2019 2:02:14 pm PDT

From the discussion in the last thread…

One point that I agree with Dr Kendzior is that Trump is in the position of Julius Ceaser and facing the same choice.

That is, the Trump Administration is facing a date where they will either keep power and protect themselves or lose and be called to account for their lawless behavior.

Unlike the Bush II Administration, the Trump Administration is posturing and pressing this issue rather than backing down. I believe that David Frum pointed this out in a somewhat cryptic tweet back in 2017.

I think that Dr Kendzior is, like many, deeply worried about this. Particularly when looking at behavior by parts of his party, such as in North Carolina, by McConnell, and in the Supreme Court.

Unfortunately, I think that we are now in the position of having to play it out. I personally do not see impeachment as some easy silver bullet. We are going to have to go through the fight.