
Buried Provision In House GOP Bill Would Cut Off Food Stamps To Entire Families If One Member Strikes

Gus3/24/2011 10:24:22 am PDT

re: #41 RogueOne

I’m just trying to see what level of union support you believe the rest of us have to pay for.

The answer to your question is “No”. A person joins a union and pays dues. Part of those dues go towards a strike fund to take care of the employee in the case of a strike. They then vote to go on strike. Every action was completely voluntary. If they aren’t being taken care of to the level they feel is necessary then that’s a problem between them and their union.

If a member of AFA is boycotting McDonalds I don’t feel it’s my responsibility to help with the price difference between the McDonalds dollar menu and what they’ll have to pay at Hardees.

What’s the big deal? By being tax exempt society effectively pays for a bunch of people to form clubs that talk to the great non-existent spaghetti monster in the sky.