
Fake Outrage of the Weekend: Dan Savage, the 'Vile Anti-Christian Bully'

SanFranciscoZionist4/29/2012 4:01:24 pm PDT


I took journalism multiple years in HS so I could do graphic design for the school paper

And of all the journalism students in my classes, I think four or five actually took it seriously (and two of us were artists) the rest just wanted an easy class with no real tests, where they could go interview their friends on the football team

I was on the staff of the student paper of Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High School, The Passport, for a couple of years. We didn’t even have a journalism class, and it was a pretty sad little paper, but entertaining. I once got press passes to a U.S./U.S.S.R. trade conference at the end of the eighties. The teacher in charge of the paper was confused.