
Mission Statement of the Day

Salamantis2/17/2009 3:32:54 pm PST

re: #443 buzzdroid

yeah - but American VALUES are by and large Judeo-Christian.
one cant ignore that.

America has taken quite a few values from Judaism and Christianity, and quite a few from the Greeks and Romans, and some from other places. But we are the same as none of those. When we began, we were sui generis - the only one of our kind - something wonderful and new, precisely due to how our brilliant and insightful founders and framers performed the wheat and chaff to combine only the cream of concepts, from whatever source they may come, into our Constitution, in order to fashion the best and most enlightened governance - for themselves and for us, their posterity - of which they could conceive.

We - or at least, the ideas and ideals around which we cohere as a nation, and which are enumerated in the Constitution - are still something wonderful. Our beloved Constitution remains the sharpest, clearest and most profound statement of government according to the principles of classic liberalism - root word liberty - in existence.