
Google Starts Caring About Child Porn

theliel11/20/2013 1:01:02 pm PST

re: #462 Charles Johnson

Newsflash! Google already decides what you have access to, with every single search.

I’m not sure Google not being treated as a utility severing the general public is a good plan.

We clearly don’t see eye to on on this.

I do not think that people have thought through the consequences of this stance.

I don’t know of any Lizards who did this but when the MPAA/RIAA wanted the same thing from Google and other providers (using the same justifications as earlier in the thread: Illegal activities backed by international law) many people reacted negatively to the idea.

Either way I started with “this is a when did you stop beating your wife trap” and what do I get? #411. It’s the classic “You disagree with how a problem is being addressed therefore you are pro-problem” otherwise known as ‘you are either with us or against us’.