
Sassy Trump Boasts: I'd Run in There Even if I Didn't Have a Weapon

ObserverArt2/27/2018 10:01:50 am PST

Reading through that Tweet thread exposing one Levi Sanders is very enlightening.

In one he using a Rolling Stone article about the American press having to cosign Obama’s dubious intelligence report about Russian hacking. It was dated December 16, 2016.

If sonny boy thinks the Russian hacking “story” was similar to the bad intelligence run-up to invading Iraq I think it is a pretty good guess daddy Sanders believed it too.

Levi has Bernie’s back just the same as Donny Jr. has The Big Don’s.

Damn 2016 had a lot of bad crap going on. I want to move on from 2016. One good way would be for the Democratic party to separate itself from the Sanders.