
Tuesday Morning Open

Shanimal19184/07/2009 12:25:23 pm PDT

You can get the whole interview on Becks website here

Glenn Beck: March to Socialism - science vs. ideology

Here is additional info/follow up for the Tuesday Morning Open quote:

PROFESSOR GEORGE: When progressive, as they were then called, doctors and lawyers and others, decided that there were some lives unworthy of life. And two scholars, a guy named Bending and a guy named Hoka (ph) who were not Nazis who were opposed to the Nazi federy and so forth, they saw them as really sort of lower class thugs. But these two guys, a law professor and a medical professor, wrote a book called Lebens unwrdig von Leben, life unworthy of life which was a roadmap for taking the life destroying the lives of retarded people, people regarded as inferior because of their low intelligence or physical impairment or so forth. That was the roadmap. It was before the Nazis. You are 100% right.