
The Video Anthony Watts Doesn't Want You to See

viojam8/01/2009 9:06:28 am PDT

As noted in previous comments, a read of Anthony Watts response is informative.

“To my surprise, he turned out to be an “independent film producer” working out of his house in Midland, MI under the name “Greenman Studio”, one Peter Sinclair, a proud graduate of Al Gore’s Climate Camp.”

The graph Sinclair uses is reminiscent of Michael Mann’s debunked “Hockey Stick Graph” promulgated by Al Gore and his “factual” movie, Inconvenient Truth.

“So, essentially, NCDC’s graph is comparing homogenized data to homogenized data, and thus there would not likely be any large difference between “good” and “bad” stations. All the differences have been smoothed out by homogenization pollution from neighboring stations!
The best way to compare the effect of siting between groups of stations is to use the “raw” data, before it has passed through the multitude of adjustments that NCDC does.”

Any person who looks at one sides propaganda without further in-depth review of the science (ie. Sharmuta) is not able to make a bona fide case for their position.

Ps. - Avanti:
“Since the Space Age began in the 1950s, solar activity has been generally high,” notes Hathaway. “Five of the ten most intense solar cycles on record have occurred in the last 50 years. We’re just not used to this kind of deep calm.”