
Another Cropped Reuters Photo Deletes Another Knife - And a Pool of Blood

Cato the Elder6/06/2010 7:30:48 pm PDT

re: #441 Charles

Two more hits just came in from Reuters Canary Wharf offices, from a different user agent.

Something tells me they’re trying to figure out how to handle this. “Will it blow over?”

Not a chance. Why, I already posted it on Facebook, and I’ve got over 130 friends!

Unless Bagua deletes them.

Seriously, if Reuters think this will go away, they’ve forgotten their last encounter with the Lizard Army. I believe they had to fire some people and make some red-faced apologies, right? And even post a set of guidelines on photo alteration?

Somebody (a poor sacrificial lamb or scapegrace scapegoat, most likely, but still) is going to be cropping grass instead of photos soon.