
Monday Music Break: R.D. King, "Rain and Ash"

makeitstop1/22/2019 8:57:48 am PST

re: #457 ObserverArt

Those drums can be dangerous. And of course there were Occupy Drum Lines too. We know how dangerous they were.

Drum beats in the night meant native Americans were getting ready for a war party. Africans and their scary drumming and frenzied dancing to the beat. You just knew the natives were restless and probably going to come and grab you and put you in a big ol’ pot and cook you just for the hell of it.

And look at what happened to the drummers in This Is Spinal Tap. Why, they got so jumped up playing them they would just spontaneously explode.

Yep, drums are an instrument of evil.

That is why I play the drums.

And we all know what happens when the drums stop…