
This Is Bad: Heartbleed Attack Targets VPN Service

kirkspencer4/19/2014 11:24:16 am PDT

re: #465 FemNaziBitch

The … I started to say problem, but I think issue might be a better word choice, is that when a senator uses a legal term to describe someone it approaches put-up-or-shut-up time.

It’s an accusation of a crime, and failure to at least attempt following through can lead to civil consequences.

Now I’d like to see the follow through anyway. It is (along with the a-holes who use terror against women’s health clinics that offer or support abortion as an option) domestic terrorism. It would, I think, force those a-holes to realize just how much of a minority they really are. Oh, sure there are a lot of people who nominally agree. But when push comes to shove they’re not willing to cross that particular line.