
Washington, D.C., Handgun Carry Ban Is Ruled Unconstitutional

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/28/2014 3:23:12 pm PDT

re: #46 Rightwingconspirator

Observations given to me by other Lizards and a lurker, and the well known TL;DR factor.

TL:DR is used to make fun of people who want bite-sized news and don’t bother to do the reading necessary to really engage with a subject.

Sometimes the time you have for this exceeds my own. I do balance a full time gig that’s 50 hours a week, my own small enterprise and balance my fun on the web time. Which is mostly here at LGF.

Then just say that, again, don’t say that it’s for the good of the blog. But really, you waste a shitload of time during these arguments avoiding questions, it would go a fuckload faster if you just actually answered questions straightforwardly.