
Donald Trump Makes SNL's Weekend Update Funny Again

Blind Frog Belly White4/15/2018 1:43:26 pm PDT

Today’s walk with Rango. Normally, I’d have done his long walk on Saturday and gone for a bike ride today, but Weather Underground convinced me it was going to rain. So far, it’s still pretty damn sunny out.

The view from Rolling Hill in San Mateo. You can see Mt San Bruno and downtown SF.

White California Poppies among the orange ones. Years ago, my Dad told me he didn’t think they existed. I told him it would be a simple mutation in one of the components in the pathway to making the pigment. He said he believed if that happened, it would prevent the plant from developing.

I said, “Dad - this is what I do for a living!”

“April in Paris San Mateo,
“Chestnuts in blossom…”

And here’s the obligatory weekly Rango pic…..

Thanks for the walk, Dad, but can we go home now?