
Jeffrey Epstein Kills Himself, or So We're Being Told

Charles Johnson8/10/2019 11:35:18 am PDT

re: #40 Mattand

Everyone in the Executive Branch is a colossal fuck up, from Trump on down. The latest example is fucking Mick Mulvaney admitting on camera he’s moving the USDA to Kansas City for the express purpose of firing staff.

If someone, anyone, connected to this admistatration is responsible for Epstein’s suicide, we will know about it by Labor Day, if not sooner.

Also worth keeping in mind Seth Rich, QAnon, and all of the other shit the MAGAts wallow in, and how we rightly ridicule them for it.

Remember, though - this happened in Manhattan’s MCC, a facility known for severe security measures. The LA Times called it the “Guantanamo of New York.”

Epstein is far from the only high-profile, possibly suicidal prisoner they’ve had and the staff are supposed to be highly-trained experts at this.

Sure, fuck-ups could still happen, anywhere. But a lot had to go wrong for this to happen accidentally.