
Tonight in the Shitshow: Trump Threatens to Sue Steve Bannon for Defamation

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)1/04/2018 11:51:05 am PST

re: #336 Old Liberal

There were very few people predicting a crash in 2007. I mean very few. I pulled all my money out and begged my friends and family to do the same. I remember how lonely I felt. Almost no one did. Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered. If the things that were going to crash the market were obvious, it would never get that high. FWIW.

Housing Panic and Flippers In Trouble were spot on.

Keith, the force behind Housing Panic later shuttered that site and launched Soot and Ashes in the dark days of 2009. He was cited by the LA Times and others for calling the subprime insanity back in 2005. I started following him in ‘06, and was appalled down to my bones at seeing a smart, financially literate analyst just work the numbers.

So, today: work the numbers. Listen to what the voices from outside the Greed Bubble are saying.