
About That DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/14/2009 12:59:23 pm PDT

So who is our side anyway?

I am not the only one to notice that “our side” is devolving daily into a festering and pestilent mass of insanity, hatefullness and rabid, irrational vitriol. Is the face of our side really now nothing more than Glenn Beck, and Rush and Coulter screeching insanity? It is not a very far step from them (these days) to Ron Paul and John Birchers. It is like worms, feeding off the heat of decay on the corpse of the GOP and fighting for territory.

No crazy story is too crazy. No accusation too vile. No leap of stupid too stupid. No facts will be permitted to get in the way. That will not be helpful when there are real issues to address. And why are we not doing so? (Again who is the we here?) Who can honestly call the GOP the height of fiscal responsibility or scientific thought? Who can honestly call them an inculsive party that reached out to the other side?

I for one am glad yet again to hear people here come out and say enough to the crazy. I suppose the difference between one opposed to some of the president’s policies vs. someone who just hates the president is easily seen in the pirate situation.

It is the primary role of any navy to protect the shipping and maritime interests of it’s nation. Shooting pirates, when not hanging them from yard arms, is a fine naval tradition.

Had Obama not shot them, the right wing would have been accusing him of cuddling up to “his Muslim buddies.” When he did what needed to be done, we hear little but mean spirited crap from “our side.”

So ummm… whatever “our side” is, I am not a part of that if it is to be the voice of madness.

My side is America. I really don’t care what your party is so long as you do the job right. There is no party in this nation that serves America over it’s own political needs.

My side is for reason. There is no party in this nation that would care more for what is true than what is politically useful.