
The FBI Has Been Watching Former Trump Adviser Carter Page Since Last Summer

Interesting Times4/12/2017 9:00:54 am PDT

re: #460 HappyWarrior

Sometimes it really is good if the national party stays out especially in an area where the national Democratic Party struggles.

What bothers me about this is, WHY does the national party need to stay out? Are they repellent for the right reasons (i.e. a district’s voters are bigoted and would be put off by so-called “identity politics”), or because they never bothered to fully push back against GOP propaganda and lies? Think of all the voters who thought the ACA and Obamacare were two separate things - whose fault was that? Yes, low-info voters can be bigoted dumbfucks, but even bigoted dumbfucks can vote for a Democrat if they’re angry enough about the economy.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again - the national Dems need a coherent populist message that appeals to salvageable non-liberal white voters without throwing minorities under the bus. Why do so many act like that’s impossible? It’s not. Heck, you can even marry the two (e.g. “Look at all the money NC lost due to bigoted GOP policies. Being good to LGBT folk makes economic sense and creates jobs” - you won’t win the talibangelicals with such a message, but you might win enough low-info WWC types to tilt close elections in your favor)