
Ron Paul and the John Birch Society

Salamantis4/28/2009 9:25:36 pm PDT

re: #460 Dark_Falcon

I partially concur. I do support discontinuing treatment is cases of brain death, but I don’t really favor euthanasia or assisted suicide. Its proven too prone to abuse in Europe for me to accept it, even without my religious objection to assisted suicide.

I approve of it under strict guidelines. The patient must be suffering from a terminal illness, there must be the certain and unavoidable prospect or either massive paralysis, or intractable pain, or both, during the future course of the illness, the patient must express a consistent desire over a significant period to end his/her own life, and the patient him/herself must be the one to activate the device that ends it.

If you disapprove of such an option for religious reasons, you are not required to exercise it for yourself; however, you have no right to impose your personal ethics upon rationally disagreeing others.