
The Mainstreaming of Ron Paul

Acidtrash5/08/2009 6:12:20 am PDT

re: #473 quickjustice

The two of you are articulate sophists, clever at arguing for support of neo-Nazis and their ilk as a “protest” vote.
Does that work out in the real world? I don’t think so.

That is a textbook how you immunize yourself from criticism.
As someone who lives in Bradford (the seat of UK Jihad), someone who lives and works with pakistani muslims, the worst racism I have seen in recent years has been on these hallowed pages!

The BNP is a racist party, but it is no longer a racist vote (I know it hurts your brain). The mainstream like to pretend that it is just a racist vote; It’s much easier to ignore that way. Slap a big ugly label on your opponents and you don’t have to address your own shortcomings.

Tell the British public not to vote BNP because theyre fascists is an idea they will listen to, but when it comes form the mouth of David Cameron and Gordon Brown after selling us out to the EU, they WILL vote for them because we’re contrarian bastards at heart.

They didnt give us a referendum on joining an EU superstate, they allowed an open door immigration policy when our infrastructure is creaking and our council taxes are high, with no sign of a reduction, we are bleeding jobs and we’re looking at a credit card crunch… I’m not even started. Yes the BNP are a populist, ethnonationalist (aka racist) party and they are corporatist socialists (aka fascists) but in the absence of real democracy and choice at the ballot box, even the most mild mannered Bradfordians can see no other way to shake the mainstream parties out of their self assured arrogance. And you know what, I can show you the odd Sikh who feels the same way too.

When we have been so royally shafted by the EU and Westminster there is only one real response and that is to give the mainstream parties the middle finger. Voting BNP is the metaphorical equivalent. I do rather enjoy the irony that Briain might just return some nationalists to the EU transnational authority. But get one thing clear, if the brits presently voting for the BNP thought for a second there was any danger of them winning power in any signifcant way we would turn our backs on them. This is more a flirtation with defiance.

We tried voting for third parties which were marginalised by the media. We had Sir James Goldsmiths Referendum Party and the Libertarian Conservative UKIP and they were easily dismissed as whackjobs and obsessives and the old “single issue party” cannard. They didn’t listen.
They went ahead with further EU integration. After a while when UKIP gained traction we of UKIP, for I was UKIP, cost the Tories over a million votes and kept a lot of Tories out of marginal seats as punishment for their betrayal. And what did we get for our trouble? Another two terms of Labour and more integration as the Tories moved left.

And so the point is obvious. The GOP must reclaim its natural ground because if the Paulians et al run wild with it the GOP has nowhere but left to move to distance itself from it then all is lost. Then you have two virtually indistingushable parties in the centre left and then people see the ugly option as the only way to communicate to the mainstream. And thats how we ended up with the BNP on the brink of political legitimacy. Sound familiar?
The Tories, by attacking and using the mechanisms of politics to ridicule the core moderate (but desparate) right wing vote ended up losing out. Now that they have moved to the left, when they take power, nothing will actually change and then the BNP really will be a problem. So either find a way to include the dissident voices in the GOP or be destroyed. For that you need a better message rather than alienating those who would be sympathetic.

But if you’d rather just label ordinary hard working, right leaning people trying hard to make ends meet as fascists, loonies and kooks, go right ahead. Politically, it’s your funeral.