
Ben Stein Withdraws As UVM Commencement Speaker

Ashbridge2/04/2009 10:34:42 am PST

Ad-Hominem attacks are neither beneficial nor relevant to the discussion. Let’s keep this discussion to facts and open debate without demonizing people who may not agree with our position. If it is truth we are after, we should all be seeking it without prejudice or bias. We extend this graciousness to liberals and may we do likewise to others. I may not agree with some positions on this website, but I try to be fair enough to hear you out without merely dismissing your position and then post some argument or evidence that purports to support my position. Overall, I enjoy this website and the interesting articles that present things not often seen throughout the MSM. Keep up the good work and let’s try to keep it fair and balanced. However, it’s your website so I guess you can do what you want with it! :-)